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Syria Fights for Peace While China Invites the CIA into the Silk Road Project

The New Year holidays are over and all eyes are turned toward wondering what 2018 will bring us. As we look back over the last several early Januaries, we could not possibly have seen the major changes that were going to come, like...

Jim Dean

Syria’s Post-War Reconstruction Will Shape the Syrian End-Game

While almost 85% of Syrian territory has now been liberated from ISIS and other terrorist groups, according to Russian Ministry of Defense, and dialogue on political settlement and reconciliation...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Geneva Deadlock on Syria is a Part of the Old Plan

While the latest round of talks in Geneva ended in a deadlock, the situation equally proved to be a marked contrast to what the Russian-led peace processes have so far been able to produce in terms of creating a number of de-escalation zones, totally defeating...

Salman Rafi Sheikh