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Arab Media Outlets on Withdrawal of US Forces from Syria: What is Next?

“Trump’s Syrian bomb”. “Washington reshuffled the deck with its sudden departure”. “Trump throws a wrench in allies’ plans”. These headlines in response to Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Syria fill the media space in the Middle East. The outlets are boiling...

Yuriy Zinin

Syria and Afghanistan: Two Different Realities

Two terrible wars, two mighty destructions, but two absolutely opposite outcomes. In Syria, it may be autumn now, but almost the entire country is blossoming again, literally rising from ashes. Two thousand miles east from there, Afghanistan is smashed against its ancient rocks...

Andre Vltchek

Trump’s Pullout in Syria: 2 Steps Forward in US Foreign Policy

At first impression it would be naive to believe that Donald Trump is keeping his campaign promise to downsize America’s foreign military engagements based on some moral compass, or by realising that America has gotten itself into a bigger quagmire than before, even greater than...

Seth Ferris