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OPCW Syria Report Cripples Western “Chemical Weapons” Narrative

The OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) has presented its final report regarding an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma, Syria on April 7, 2018. Despite attempts by the Western media to hail it as "proof" that the…
Tony Cartalucci

Returning Syrian Refugees Were Fleeing US Proxy War, Not “Assad”

A recent BBC segment titled, "The Syrians returning home after years of fleeing war," contradicted 8 years of the British state media's narratives regarding the war in Syria. A synopsis of the short BBC video segment would read: After years…
Tony Cartalucci

US Defeat in Syria: The Wrong End of “Might Makes Right”

With Damascus and its allies firmly in control of Syria and its future - the war having been decided on the ground rather than "politically" as envisioned by Western politicians, media, and policymakers - the US proxy war against Syria…
Tony Cartalucci