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Saudi Arabia

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia in keeping with the Politics of a Multipolar World

Saudi Arabia, led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, who is effectively the kingdom’s leader due to his father the king’s late age, has pursued a strong foreign policy, both regionally and globally. China arranged an agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran, easing long-standing tensions between…

Viktor Mikhin
Саудовская Аравия

Saudi Arabia is Building the Country of the Future

Since the activization of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s position and activities, the Saudi authorities’ resolve to make significant changes in the Kingdom’s foreign policy and image has been particularly strongly disputed. Back in 2017, he predicted that the world would eventually transit to alternate energy sources everywhere, rendering gas and oil…

Valery Kulikov

The results of Xi Jinping’s visit to Saudi Arabia

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Saudi Arabia in early December received widespread acclaim and highly positive publicity in numerous countries around the world. First and foremost, it was a successful state reception in Riyadh, the likes of which have not been organized for any statesman from the West, not to mention the hostile meeting with US President Joe Biden...

Viktor Mikhin