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Saudi Arabia

Power and Vulnerability: Saudi Kingdom and its Troubles

As it stands, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the most ‘powerful’ states in the Gulf region. However, its ‘power’ does not necessarily render it any less vulnerable to threats (especially those which emanate from the application of that very power...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

War Crimes and Ethnic Cleansing in Yemen

A month  into its unilateral military aggression on Yemen, Saudi Arabia appears to have lost most of its composure, finding itself in a quagmire it never thought it could fall into - especially not in the most impoverished and instability-racked nation in the Arabian...

Catherine Shakdam

Saudi Aggression: Yemen Strikes Back

It seems that the Yemeni rebels – the Houthis - have lost patience with Saudi bombs raining upon their heads, and have decided to launch a counteroffensive against Saudi Arabia by extending the range of their operations. On May 4 armed militias of the Bakil tribal federation...

Petr Lvov