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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia in Search of a Future King

A struggle for the post of the future King is apparently unfolding in Saudi Arabia. Due to his old age and many diseases, the acting King, as they say, “reigns but does not rule”. However, most of...

Viktor Mikhin

Has JASTA Become the Deal Breaker in Saudi-US Relations?

The unanimous adoption of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA by the US House of Representatives on September 9 resulted in a massive diplomatic row between the US and Saudi Arabia. For sure, this latest episode...

Maxim Egorov

Will Saudi Arabia be Sued for 9/11 Attacks?

Last may, the US House of Representatives approved a bill that would allow families of those killed in the 9/11 attacks to sue Saudi Arabia for its role in the terrorist plot, however it was immediately announced that Barack Obama...

Jean Perier