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Israel Tries to Forge an anti-Iranian Coalition Yet Again

Despite Israel’s lack of success so far in its attempts to “fundamentally resolve” the issue of Iran’s nuclear program, it is actively trying to exploit its recent favorable relations with individual Arab states to bring such countries together in an anti-Iranian coalition it leads. To this end, amid improving Israeli-Egyptian relations, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett visited Egypt for a new...

Vladimir Danilov

Israel Defends Kiev’s Nazi Authorities

Russia’s recognition of the independence of the LPR and DPR caused some confusion in Tel Aviv, where at first nobody was in a hurry to make a statement. Moreover, after intense consultations in Israel’s Foreign Ministry and National Security Council, local officials were forbidden to provide comments by the ruling coalition, leaving the Jewish nation-state...

Vladimir Odintsov

Israel is an Apartheid State, says Amnesty International

The human rights organization, Amnesty International, published a report detailing the “true extent of Israel’s apartheid regime” and strongly called for an arms embargo on Israel and for Israel “to recognize the right of Palestinian refugees and their descendants to return to homes where they or their families once lived.”  In this landmark report, the influential organization said...

Viktor Mikhin