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Противостояние Израиля и Ирана

The Conflict Between Israel and Iran Adopts New Contours

Israel is renowned for its active diplomacy, particularly in the Middle East and surrounding areas. Tel Aviv is seeking partners among the pro-Western countries of the Arab East, the de-facto Kurdish autonomy in Iraq, NATO Turkey, and the newly formed Muslim countries of the post-Soviet space, for obvious reasons of localizing external threats arising from the consolidation…

Alexandr Svaranc

Israel Still Pursues its Old Policy

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in his third term, and he has yet to get an invitation to visit Washington. Despite the fact that there are numerous subjects for discussion. Consider, for example, how strongly everyone around the world, including Americans, condemned the far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s call for the Palestinian town of Huwara…

Viktor Mikhin

Why does Israel seek out international students for internships?

Many countries’ official institutions and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have been actively recruiting foreign students to their universities for various internships and “advanced training” in recent years. In this day and age of globalization, it is objectively difficult for higher education to develop further without a mix of foreign…

Valery Kulikov