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The US and Israel - An ‘All-times' Alliance

The so-called ‘all-times’ alliance between the US and Israel --- the supposedly ‘only’ democratic state in the Middle East --- has  largely been determined by politico-strategic expediencies  rather than by some ‘natural’ convergence of interests...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Obama duels with Congress and AIPAC

President Obama was all smiles at the Brookings Institute Saban Forum on last Saturday, December 7th, ironically Pearl Harbor day. Haim Saban is a well known Israeli asset who has made great use of his huge wealth to influence American policy through the insider tools available to A-level...

Jim Dean

U.S. Public Opinion - A Major Shift

Well it is now official. Reuters published their triple whammy poll showing grassroots Americans support Obama's Iran opening on three levels. Two thirds support the interim deal itself...are wary of any military action against Iran, and then what is most interesting, that we...

Jim Dean