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What Will Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem Lead To?

With Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, a new wave of both political and geo-political upheavals is likely to set in. This, however, is not going to simply unite the Muslim world in the name of religion; it might...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

What Israel is Fighting for in the Middle-Eastern Mess?

As forces of the so-called Islamic State terrorist group are pushed across Syria and Iraq, one can clearly see Israel’s shifting position regarding the situation in Syria, which can be explained by Tel-Aviv's desire to reorder...

Valery Kulikov

Israel’s Role in the Cataclysm to Come

Finally, the skeleton is out of the Arab Spring closet via an article in Foreign Policy written by Jonathan Spyer. Israel has been at war for total dominance in the Middle East and, according to the senior research fellow at the Global...

Phil Butler