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Israel’s Undeclared Air War on Iran in Syria

Until few weeks ago, there was an undeclared war that Israel had waged on Iran in Syria to force Iranian presence out the country. While the war was officially ‘undeclared’, various pronouncements by the top-rank Israeli officials confirmed that there…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

Why Do Fundamentalist Christians Support Israel – Right Or Wrong?

It appears that many fundamentalist Christians support the hard-line policies of the Israeli Government (currently consisting of the parties Likud, United Torah Judaism, Shas, Kulanu and the Jewish Home more blindly and fanatically than...

Henry Kamens

What ‘New Phase’ of Israel’s Relations with the Arab World?

On November 7, 2018, Israel’s Intelligence and Transportation minister made a speech in Oman, pushing for greater cooperation between Israel and the Arab world, presenting it as something extremely beneficial for the people and the region on the whole. The…
Salman Rafi Sheikh