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Can the Middle East Survive With Israel Gone?

Israel is dying. It has nothing to do with Hamas or Hezbollah, no rain of missiles will destroy Israel. Israel is in a cycle of self-destruction that began in the 1990s with the advent of the Likudist party. As Israel’s population increased and became increasingly radicalized with Jewish population no longer of young idealists...

Gordon Duff

The Israeli Election that Almost Never Was

The dust from the Israeli election is beginning to settle after the preliminary count, showing Benny Gantz with 32 seats and Netanyahu with 31. The close race was expected, but the big surprise was that the United Arab Party received 13 seats, two more than expected, and became the third largest party in the Knesset. You can...

Jim Dean

Demonstrative Strengthening of US-Israel Ties Harms Arab Interests

With the next US presidential election approaching, Donald Trump twitted that he had a conversations with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the possibility of striking a defence pact between Washington and Tel-Aviv. Thus, the head of the American...

Valery Kulikov