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Israel to Retain Military Supremacy in the Middle East

While the Abraham Accords may have made Israel a friend of the UAE and Bahrain, kicking off a ‘peace process’ that may ultimately include other Gulf Arab states as well, a growing possibility of US physical retrenchment from the Middle East logically leaves Israel as the sole regional power, capable of militarily handling Iran, Turkey and Qatar—the chief rival bloc...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Washington is Using Israel to Reinforce its Politics of Confrontation

It is commonly known that the United States has included the Middle East in the strategic areas of focus for its foreign policy due to economic, political, strategic military, demographic, and energy-related factors. Despite how the situation is changing, Israel has remained the main US partner and outpost in such an important region...

Valery Kulikov

Reaction to the Steps Taken by Washington to Reconcile Israel and the Arabs

Sundown on September 18th marked the start of Rosh Hashanah 5781, the new year according to the Hebrew calendar. According to Jewish tradition, the New Year predetermines people’s fates and the events that take place over the entire following year. Jewish people believe that many important events are associated with...

Vladimir Odintsov