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America’s Engine of Progress Steamrolls Western Sahara

In December of 2020, the White House announced the Israel–Morocco normalization agreement. In January USAID announced Morocco is being designated an economic hub under its Prosper Africa Initiative. According to this deal, Morocco is to get $100 million per year for five years to promote two-way trade between Morocco and the US, and to strengthen strategic...

Phil Butler

Washington’s Game of Chess in the Middle East and How It Will Play Out

Although the legacy of foreign policy has not been easy for Biden, there is no doubt that the problems of the Middle East, one way or another, will remain at the top of his agenda, and there’s many reasons for that. First of all, it is a very strategically advantageous region for manipulating the whole world through energy prices...

Valery Kulikov

The US and Israel Playing their Cards in the Middle East

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, now 97 years old and having long lost his sense of the reality of international affairs, recently unleashed a new idea, menacingly declaring that a return to the “spirit” of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal would lead to weapons spread throughout the Middle East. These comments came during an interview with Dennis Ross...

Viktor Mikhin