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Global Threat? US Policymakers Admit Iran is Defending Itself

US policymakers admit that Iran's strategy is "largely defensive," and both aggressive and defensive tendencies are largely in response to US policy in the Middle East and Central Asia. The US-based RAND Corporation, which describes itself as "a nonprofit...

Tony Cartalucci

CNN gets it right for once: Benjamin Netanyahu over Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s address to Congress last week added nothing to the discourse on Iran. Despite the coverage it received, and the controversy surrounding it, it did nothing to assist efforts to achieve the stated...

Seth Ferris

The Iran-US Nuclear Deal: Latent Realities

One of the most remarkable and defining characteristics of the international state system is the making and re-making of alliances between its constituting components: the nation states. The making and re-making of alliances is, however, not an autonomous phenomenon; rather...

Salman Rafi Sheikh