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US Targets Iran, Presumes Dominion Over Global Trade

If Iran was truly a threat to global peace and security, why would nations like China, India, Japan, South Korea and Turkey be trading with it? Why would the European Union seek to trade with it? Why would the United States struggle and eventually resort to global-scale coercion to...

Ulson Gunnar

USA – Iran: Battle between David and Goliath

As Donald Trump's current administration continues to impose tougher illegitimate sanctions against Iran, it has now moved to the next step of attempting to completely isolate Tehran's economy and to erode its standing in the Middle East. The decision to prevent five of Iran's...

Viktor Mikhin

Will the US’ “Maximum Pressure” Strategy Vis-A-Vis Iran Work?

444432The US strategy of “maximum pressure” on Iran aims to bankrupt the Middle Eastern country in order to cripple its ability to (successfully challenge hegemonic pursuits of its arch regional rivals: Israel and Saudi Arabia. While the strategy of imposing sanctions is not new…

Salman Rafi Sheikh