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South Korea

On the Joint Exercises between the USA and South Korea

From 16-28 August 2020, the armed forces of the United States and South Korea will hold scheduled joint exercises inside South Korea. Those, in turn, will be preceded by joint exercises held by the two countries to work through emergency response actions; these will take place from 11-14 August. During these exercises, the two allies intend to test South Korea...

Konstantin Asmolov

What Should Wianbu Defenders Do Once There Are No More Wianbu?

We continue to track a series of scandals related to the fact that a number of NGOs that were involved in the protection of “comfort women”, as it turned out, spent the money on promoting themselves and their leaders, and not on the needs of the victim grandmothers they were commissioned to help. In general, after the country...

Konstantin Asmolov

Latest Phase of the Trade War between Japan and South Korea

The author has reported, on more than one occasion, that over the course of the history-related dispute between Japan and South Korea, the issue of comfort women is being gradually replaced with that of forced labor. In fact, its victims are trying to receive as much compensation from Japan as possible via legal action. And decisions made by South Korean courts on the issue...

Konstantin Asmolov