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South Korea

Who will Handle the Korean Conflict under Biden, and How?

We have already made preliminary predictions about what the new US president's course on the Korean Peninsula will look like. Now that Joe Biden has introduced some of his team and partially spoken out himself, some things are further clarified. Let's start with Biden himself. We recall that he was critical of the meetings between Trump and Kim, insisting that they only...

Konstantin Asmolov

Key Features of the Ongoing Law Enforcement Reform in ROK and Possible Issues

After the author published a number of reports about various changes made to the way South Korea’s law enforcement agencies operate, he has received a number of requests to outline what these reforms would mean and entail. In his inauguration speech in May 2017, Moon Jae-in promised to ensure law-enforcement authorities would...

Konstantin Asmolov

Park Geun-hye's Conviction and Talks of Possible Pardon

On January 14, 2021, South Korea’s Supreme Court upheld former President Park Geun-hye’s 20-year sentence on charges of corruption and abuse of power. This is quite a milestone, as the charges against Park are finally being brought and approved. That evening, the Blue House issued a statement on the verdict: “such an incident must never happen again, taking...

Konstantin Asmolov