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South Korea

Ideological Diversion Tactics, or Simple Incompetence?

On July 1, 2021 the government of South Korea requested police to investigate how a map of Pyongyang came to be included in a videoclip introducing Seoul at a conference of global climate change, held in May this year. The request was made after an internal investigation within the Foreign Ministry failed to determine whether subcontractors had deliberately...

Konstantin Asmolov

Another US-ROK Joint Exercise - a New Reason for Inter-Korean Aggravation?

Another event is approaching that may turn out to be a new reason for inter-Korean aggravation or at least a marker of the current state of inter-Korean relations. Yet another US-ROK joint exercise. Let’s recall: The United States and the ROK usually conduct major joint exercises twice a year in March and August and smaller-scale activities...

Konstantin Asmolov

Caveman Anti-Japanism - South Korea’s National Idea?

In previous articles we have already noted that anti-Japanism is a key part of South Korea’s political narrative, and commented on the country’s determination to erase “inconvenient persons and events” from its national history. But each time this issue is discussed we see comments from people who are unable to accept that South Korea’s preoccupation...

Konstantin Asmolov