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North Korea

How Russia Implements Sanctions Against North Korea

According to the press reports, Russia has made the decision to suspend its financial relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and discontinue importing products of the North Korean mining sector. A draft presidential decree...

Konstantin Asmolov

Western Kim-Phobia & The Danger of War

In almost every US aligned Gulf State, you can find an autocratic monarch who rules over a small, oil-rich corner of the world via an outdated, pre-democratic legal system that grants him absolute authority. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia...

Caleb Maupin

Let’s Talk About Korea: The Dangerous Tone of US Media

Often, when people are first becoming personally acquainted with me and my political views, I will be asked point-blank: “Do you support North Korea?” I always respond, “No, I don’t support North Korea. I support all of Korea.” Among average Americans...

Caleb Maupin