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Two Chinas

The problem of the two separate Chinas interacting is by no means new and generally it pertains to issues with Taiwan, i.e. defining the relationship between Beijing and Taipei in the new bipolar world of the second half of the 20th century. The USSR and the USA were the...

Roman Pogorelov

The Strange Case of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

This piece investigates the unique peculiarities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Instead of being a Eurasian counterpart to the EU, an additional IO bridge between East and West, or even influenced by organizations like ASEAN, the SCO is dominated by micro-agendas that work in opposition to the theoretical literature explaining international organization purpose. Consequently, this particular IO is not only failing to become a nexus...

Matthew Crosston

Eastern Countries and The Risks of Green Development

The problem of green development continues to generate a great deal of controversy. This was evident during the course of the debates regarding the conception of a green economy that were included on the agenda of the Rio +20 conference, which was held in Rio de Janeiro...

Natalia Rogozhina