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Terrorism in China: Is the US involved, this time?

The Chinese province of Xinjiang has recently become the site of an episode of violent terrorism. A suicide bombing has killed 39 Chinese people in a market place, and in addition, 29 were stabbed to death at a train station.  The response...

Caleb Maupin

Crimea, China and Alternative Trade Routes

The fact that China needs not only to diversify routes and sources of energy, but it is also not a secret they need to diversify alternative routes for finished products. What is the problem here? There are long-established and equipped sea routes connecting the coast...

Konstantin Penzev

Chinese Spring?

With the "Arab Spring" scenario unfolding in Ukraine, the USA is aiming at, among other things, driving a wedge between Russia and the EU, and we must recognize that they will succeed in doing this. It is no secret that Russia's power rests on hydrocarbon exports. The primary...

Roman Pogorelov