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Is Beijing Cutting Ties with the 14th Dalai Lama?

Against the background of considerable commotion in the international arena caused by various circumstances surrounding the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the end of the Pacific War in Beijing, another important event in China almost went unnoticed...

Vladimir Terehov

The Great Stock Crash--Chinese Leaders Ignore Lessons of Wall Street at a Peril

The formally still-communist Peoples’ Republic of China has just experienced what we can call their “October 1929 Moment.” The most colossal stock market crash the world has ever seen is still underway a full two months after...

F. William Engdahl

China Rails Linking Eurasia

China has become the world's leading makers of modern railroads and equipment. It has done so as part of a long-term strategy to weld a new economic space, build entirely new markets where none before existed. They studied the European rail-makers, studied the German...

F. William Engdahl