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Why is China Painted as ‘Capitalist’ by Western Propaganda?

Let us start with the punchline: “Mass media in the United States, Europe, Canada, and Australia is depicting the People’s Republic of China as ‘capitalist’ because ‘capitalist’ is now a dirty word. Even people in the West see ‘market economy’ as some sort of filth.” To call China ‘capitalist’ is to smear China. It is as if to say: “Chinese...

Andre Vltchek

US-China Relations: The Picture Remains Extremely Paradoxical

In general terms, relations between the world’s two leading powers, despite the strain in recent months (which, in the author’s view, is almost exclusively down to the intensifying political climate within the United States, now and then are illuminated by glimmers of positivity. This gives us cause to hope that the situation between both of the...

Vladimir Terehov

China-EU Relations during SARS COV-2 Pandemic

Several noteworthy events linked to the China-EU ties have taken place recently. At first glance, they appeared to be routine in nature because during the past decade these events have been held on an annual basis. They are particularly relevant nowadays due mainly to the current geopolitical context. The events the author is referring to include...

Vladimir Terehov