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Will Mankind Be Extinct In a Few Years?

It’s no secret that Bill Gates and the advocates of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 are also devout promoters of human eugenics, the “thinning of the Human Herd” as Britain’s misanthropic Prince Philip once put it. Some such as Joachim Schnellnhuber, climate adviser to the Pope, openly welcome a human population below one billion as “sustainable.” Now...

F. William Engdahl

The Attack on the 2022 Winter Olympics has Begun

Apparently, the next Olympic Winter Games scheduled for February next year are becoming one of the new main justifications for, and the target of, an expanding information and propaganda war waged against the PRC. This was the country that was selected in 2015 at the 128th IOC meeting, held in the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, to host the Winter Olympics 2022. That in...

Vladimir Terehov

Western Attempts to Smear China Over its Uighur Population Will Fail

For some time now certain western countries, with the United States and United Kingdom especially prominent have been waging a propaganda war against China. The focus of this attention has been the alleged mistreatment of the Uighur population in China’s western region. Protestations by the Chinese government as well as invitations...

James ONeill