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US Plans to Destroy Taiwan to “Save” It

Tensions between the United States and China exist across a wide spectrum of areas, from economics to geopolitics. Among the many flashpoint issues defining this growing confrontation is the “Taiwan question.” Officially, the United States recognizes what is known as the “One China Policy.” The US State Department’s own webpage regarding...

Brian Berletic

Diagnosis: Why the China Containment Policy is Failing

For the past 4 years – especially since the US ‘trade war’ on China started by the Trump administration in 2017 – Washington has been seeking ways to contain, roll-back on its gains and encircle China. The US ‘trade war’ was not something entirely new; in fact, it was a continuation of the Obama administration’s ‘Asia Pivot’ that focused on shifting...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Blinken’s Asia-Pacific Tour: Fighting the War by Other Means

Soon after releasing the new anti-China Indo-Pacific strategy, the US secretary of state Antony Blinken embarked upon a significant tour to countries in Asia and the Pacific to reassure these countries of the US commitment – and ability – to protect and defend them against an ‘aggressive’ China. Even though US officials have been saying...

Salman Rafi Sheikh