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Comments on the latest summit of the Pacific Island Forum

From August 26 to 30 this year the most recent (53rd) summit of the Pacific Island Forum (PIF) took place in the Pacific island state of Tonga. The summit was a significant development in the Indo-Pacific theater of the “Great World Game.”

Vladimir Terehov

Sullivan in Beijing: The US Pulling A tired Trick From 1956 Suez Crises

History is full of Anglo-Saxons arranging wars for their interests, and shifting unprofitable ones over to the world, for instance in the Suez Crisis of 1956.

Simon Chege Ndiritu

The intensification of Japan’s Indo-Pacific policy. The Chinese vector

During the summer of 2024, Japan sharply intensified its foreign policy in its most important aspects, particularly on China and Pacific states. In our opinion, this intensification and some improvements in Japanese relations with China are primarily related to balancing its military and political activities with Western countries. On the one hand, Japan is building up its own defence potential and strengthening various multilateral formats in the field of security; on the other hand, it is trying to reduce tension in relations with China.

Nazar Kurbanov