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What will Turkey Do in Afghanistan?

At a time when the United States and NATO are hastily withdrawing their troops from Afghanistan, on top of chaos and the general population fleeing abroad in a panic and the Afghan military being abandoned by former Western instructors, the opposition is growing in Turkey to Erdoğan’s plans to take over from the United States in the IRA. Let us recall that according...

Vladimir Danilov

Will Afghanistan Become Everybody Else’s Problem with the US and NATO Withdrawal?

The situation in Afghanistan is like the ending of Charlie’s Wilson war. In the endgame there is no saving face and no victory is won. In fact a great vacuum remains, despite 20 years of US and NATO partner attempts to nation-building. It is not as if they did not know how it would end, sooner or later, as with Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers...

Henry Kamens

Chaos in Afghanistan is of No Use to Anyone

After the United States and its NATO allies announced that they would withdraw their troops from Afghanistan, civil unrest in the nation has been growing, seemingly having reached a boiling point. The Taliban (ed. note: an organization banned in the Russian Federation has seized new territories and claimed that it controls 85% of Afghanistan. Its members did not even wait...

Vladimir Odintsov