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Is Afghan “Peace” Crumbling Already?

Whereas the US-Taliban ‘truce deal’ is historic in many ways, the fact that real peace in Afghanistan remains hostage to a lot more complex power dynamics than the US war has become sharply evident ever since the announcement of the deal. The Ghani administration has already rejected the part of the deal about the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

USA: an Inglorious Finale of the Afghan Tragedy

Washington was all but overwhelmed by a tsunami wave of either euphoria or hysteria following the agreement reached between the US and the radical movement Taliban (banned in Russia. It is quite understandable. After all, against the backdrop of the Trump administration’s constant failures in Iran, Syria, Iraq and other countries of the Middle East, any sort of deal with the Taliban...

Viktor Mikhin

Afghanistan: Is A Messy War Full of Lies About To End?

Eighteen years ago, the US led the NATO invasion of Afghanistan for the stated purpose of toppling the Taliban government and crushing the Al Qaeda forces they were harboring. Now, after more than 4,000 US military personnel and contractors have been killed, and over a trillion dollars spent, a peace agreement between the USA and the Taliban appears...

Caleb Maupin