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Washington’s Silent Weapon for Not-so-quiet Wars

Today by far the deadliest weapon of mass destruction in Washington’s arsenal lies not with the Pentagon or its traditional killing machines. It’s de facto a silent weapon: the ability of Washington to control the global supply of money, of…
F. William Engdahl

The Third Rail

It has become commonplace to refer to the two great threats facing humanity, climate change and nuclear war. While these deserve special attention due to their relationship with complex scientific technologies and natural phenomena, a third threat...

Deena Stryker

Press and the Militarization of Fakery

A phony war has begun, a war on the newly powerful and influential independent media, a war waged by social media and internet giants like Google and Facebook, a war of censorship and economic sanctions. Behind the giants of social media and technology is a cabal of fraudsters from the financial...

Gordon Duff