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Who Runs US Foreign Policy?

In the latest installment of the Trump saga, the President has seized upon his power to approve or withdraw security clearances for government employees to leave a former head of the CIA, John Brennan, without one, and announcing his intention to deprive a host of other former high level...

Deena Stryker

Washington's Trade Wars Make the Coalition of American Victims Uncomfortably Large

These days, experts both in and out of the US tend to agree that Washington has been resorting to sanctions as the foreign policy tool of choice way too often, thus expanding and strengthening the so-called coalition of American victims...

Grete Mautner

Is the Liberal Order Doomed by the General Will?

The liberal world order is writhing in pain over a world fed up with its flawed liberalism. To make matters even worse, they’re whining and bellyaching about their own failure. Populism, they say, threatens the worldwide Shangri La the architects envisioned. Richard N. Haass, who’s...

Phil Butler