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On Naval Blockades and A Hard Days War

On the 22nd of October 1962 the US 2nd Fleet began the blockade of Cuba, an action that immediately threatened the world with nuclear war and annihilation. Those of us old enough to remember President Kennedy’s statement on live television will never forget the fear we all felt as...

Christopher Black

America Has Become Even More Dangerous

The confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh by the US Senate may seem unremarkable to the three dozen or so nations now targeted by US sanctions and impending “color revolutions.” The list has expanded, India, China and Russia of course, but in truth, there is no end to the list. The issue...

Gordon Duff

Does Russophobia Draw Us Closer to Our Doom?

In a number of articles penned by yours truly for New Eastern Outlook there was a handful of points related to a possible war between the US and Russia. However, as tensions between the two states continue flaring up due to the mindless anti-Russian stance of the Trump administration...

Martin Berger