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The Unfixable, the Price of Rule by Ignorance

There is nothing new about “mis-defining” global events, global conflicts and sociological trends. If there is one gift from Donald Trump, it’s his tendency to debunk everything, everything but himself. It’s one thing lying about pretty much everything, it’s quite something else to structure world events to fit the lies and that’s exactly what we are doing...

Gordon Duff

Hijacking Terrorist Acts for Political Gain—Where Propaganda Ends and Reality Begins?

Few Americans can really get the gist of what is going on these days, pipe bombs being sent to key opponents of the Trump administration, or are they able to tell you what is a false flag, and with this in mind, it...

Henry Kamens

Three Cheers for the Queen of the United States of America

President Donald Trump has one ace up his sleeve if worse comes to worst. Many people in America would gladly support First Lady Melania Trump for the new position as Queen of the United States. The same lady we saw ushering the new president on inauguration day has now commanded...

Phil Butler