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Interference, if it Only Were Russia

What happened in America during the last presidential election and, to an extent, during the recent mid-term elections, is now starting to materialize in Europe as well. It isn’t just election rigging and propaganda. America’s government processes are at a standstill while congress and the legal system look for ways to jail Donald Trump for dozens...

Gordon Duff

The Case for Increasing US Military Spending and Expansion

Despite being the world’s biggest military power, spending a lot more than the combined defence budgets of China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, France, India and Japan, the US hasn’t been able to decisively win a single war in last…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

RIP George H. W. Bush and the Rest

The death of former President George H. W. Bush last month has spurred many an analyst to take up their swords and pens of partisanship for either canonizing or condemning the former leader of the free world. Here at NEO, I found the most concise and objective (truthful analysis so far, from...

Phil Butler