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Resignation an Inch Short of Mutiny

I’ve been predicting for months that Trump would resign, but today something happened that can only be called mutiny: the president’s secretary of defense has resigned over military policy, in the traditional form of mutiny. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, who, like Robert Mueller...

Deena Stryker

The Plight of Children in a Neoliberal World

The NYT wrote yesterday, Christmas Day, that an 8-year old Guatemalan boy died in US Border Control custody. The circumstances are not clear, or are simply not reported. A month earlier, a 7-year old girl, also from Guatemala, died also in US Border Control custody. Here too, the circumstances are...

Peter Koenig

Jordan Peterson's Anti-Totalitarianism & Confusion on the American Right

Jordan Peterson is not a political scientist or an ideologue and does not purport to be. The wildly popular clinical and academic psychologist packages his lectures as self-help. His best-selling book “8 Rules for Life” is not by any means a political tirade or manifesto...

Caleb Maupin