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US Snatches Chinese Executive - Sets Dangerous Precedent

Claiming that prominent Chinese telecommunications company Huawei had violated US sanctions on Iran - Canada was requested to arrest and hand over Huawei Chief Financial Officer, Meng Wanzhou, who was transferring planes in Vancouver. The arrest was described even by the…
Tony Cartalucci

Trump Against the Pentagon? Possible Shifting of White House Alliances

The line from James Mattis that seemed to stand out the most was “Because you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down from my position.” Mattis spent the prior...

Caleb Maupin

What Happens Now with Syria?

I was typing away the day after Christmas with the warmth of a crackling fire behind me and thinking about the long list of countries involved in the Syrian war drama. They are now scurrying around to draw up contingency plans, not only for what action they might need to take now, but how to respond to...

Jim Dean