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Is Oil Behind Washington’s Venezuela Coup Madness?

On January 23 US Vice President Pence sent a message via Twitter that Washington recognized the 35-year-old Speaker of the Venezuela National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the “legitimate” President of the troubled country, and not elected President Maduro. The fact that it was first...

F. William Engdahl

Tired Old Uncle Sam

The nickname is hardly used anymore, however it was ubiquitous during World War II, when from every wall, it seemed, a stern-looking white haired man pointed to passing young men with the words: ‘Uncle Sam Wants You!’. Wondering where the name had come from, I was informed by Wikipedia...

Deena Stryker

American “Tomfoolery,” the Only Thing in America that Really Works

“Tomfoolery, foolish or silly behavior.” Washington is a city of liars in a nation of liars. From the strutting Perfumed Princes of the Pentagon to the bought and paid for hallowed halls of congress, the business is lying. It’s an industry, carefully coordinated with fake press...

Gordon Duff