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The Trump – Kim Summit in Hanoi – was Trump forced to Walk?

Yes, Mr. Trump had to walk. As he didn’t get his way, he had the audacity to get up and walk out of a meeting with Kim Jong-un, the President of the DPRK, of North Korea. As arrogant as it behooves the king of a failing and crumbling empire. But did he walk by his own will?..

Peter Koenig

We’re Killing Off Our Vital Insects Too

Recent independent scientific studies indicate that we are threatening our vital global insect population, including of bees, with widespread extinction through massive deployment of agriculture pesticides. For most of us, insects such as flies or mosquitoes or wasps are nuisances...

F. William Engdahl

Did Cohen Burn Trump Down, or Just Singe Him a Bit?

After having his Congressional testimony appearance delayed due to threats against his family, Michael Cohen had his big day, coinciding with Trump’s big meeting with Kim in Hanoi. The Republicans had their long knives out, and the Democrats were locked and loaded, praying...

Jim Dean