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Is America Dying?

The world looks on America as something very different than it really is. Much of what is told of America, both good and bad, is simply as Donald Trump says, “fake news.” Americans themselves know little about America. Few travel within their own country. America, you see, if 50 little countries, some like California or Florida or Texas, a virtual “Europe”...

Gordon Duff

A Threatening Monster

President Trump used to attack President Obama as being weak with regard to Syria for not being more ruthless in the American led war of aggression against Syria, a prelude to war with Iran; that he had drawn red lines in the sand and dared the Russians to cross. That the Russians had called...

Christopher Black

Why Americans Can’t Get Free Health Care

President Trump first caused a sensation by declaring that the Republican Party would soon be known as the party of health care, cancelling the less than perfect plan that Obama managed to set up. A few days later he announced that his ‘better’ plan, would probably not...

Deena Stryker