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Legitimized US Propaganda Against Russia and China

As far back as World War I, British propaganda already showed the world its might and effectiveness at a time of a political and military conflict. Since then, little has changed when it comes to the use of propaganda against enemies, but still, Washington...

Vladimir Platov

The End of the Trump Presidency is Here

Exactly as with Watergate, it is a simple thing. Trump, aided by Rudy Giuliani, his personal lawyer and US Attorney General Robert Barr, a former CIA “fixer,” have, according to some news sources including the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post, been caught bribing and blackmailing a foreign leader in something miles...

Gordon Duff

Washington's Warmongering Keeps Claiming New Victims

According to the data presented in a number of American media sources, a total of 6,979 US servicemen perished in the so-called Global War on Terror that was launched back in 2001 and lasted up until 2018. Over the same time span, the number of civilian casualties that became victims of US-led...

Grete Mautner