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US Economy: The Tale of Green Paper Rectangles

In his inauguration speech, US President Donald Trump, that's still standing somehow, announced that America is enriching the world at its own expense. During his time in office, he would repeatedly reiterate this notion, referring to the US trade balance with the EU, China and a bunch of other states. The Trump administration is somehow convinced that if...

Martin Berger

Prison-State USA

Washington is incessantly trying to inspire the whole world with this myth that the United States is the most democratic country on the planet, and that only Americans, the chosen nation, have the right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and establish their own preferred forms of governance there. Unfortunately however, this “American-style democracy” is the cause of growing resentment...

Vladimir Odintsov

Americans Are Dangerously Out of Touch With Reality

The notion that Russia "controls" the US is absurd. That this conspiracy theory has taken root in the US says a lot about the public's grip on reality.  In the wake of "Russia Gate," a conspiracy theory claiming that the Russian Federation meddled in America's 2016 elections and "owns" a growing number of US politicians including the current US President, a wave of hysteria...

Ulson Gunnar