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Trump Drops Bomb, Media Ignores

As his impeachment moved forward, in a morning press conference in London this week, Donald Trump mentioned casually that he and Vladimir Putin are discussing the elimination of nuclear weapons. Although this should put a major crimp in the foreign policy establishment’s all-pervading Russophobia, the US media (including Fox...

Deena Stryker

Libra: Facebook Wants to Control Your Money

Facebook - backed by some of the largest banks and corporations on Earth - seek to create a global digital currency and reassert Western dominion over the global economy. Many are probably already familiar with US-based social media giants like Facebook and Twitter carrying out sweeping campaigns of censorship executed in line with US foreign...

Tony Cartalucci

Trump’s Demise and US-Russia Peril

Washington’s endless navel-gazing obscures the security benefits to be derived from Trump’s impeachment, in particular the potential avoidance of nuclear war. Let’s unpack that seemingly bizarre statement: Traditionally, when a country is weakened from within, enemies seize the moment to attack. And yet...

Deena Stryker