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A Policy Brief on Sanctions and Collateral Damage

In the wake of recent developments in the Middle East, it seems like a good for an objective assessment of US policy and strategy in the region. The US administration’s ramped-up belligerence and Iran’s counteractions created a crisis level no normal citizen of either country could want. The strategy of failing strategies, this is what the Trump administration seems fixed on...

Phil Butler

Brainwashing – A Silly Cold War Propaganda Concept

In the United States, one phrase you cannot avoiding hearing on a regular basis is “This is the greatest country in the world” or “America is the greatest country in the world.” This is repeated constantly on American TV, from American politicians, and from average Americans when giving their assessment of world events. If one inquires of someone who utters the phrase...

Robert Smith

Washington Sells Scrap Metal at a Premium Price Tag

Back in 2003, an alternative media site based in Belgium - Indy Media, published a rather clever article titled “Why America Needs War” drafted by a renowned political scientist, Jacques R. Pauwels. Due to the fact that this article has recently been republished by a well-known and respected alternative media site Global Research, a lot of attention has been drawn...

Vladimir Platov