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Sanders, Trump and The Spiritual Death of Leo Strauss

At the Feb 25th Democratic Presidential Debate, Bernie Sanders responded  to his critics saying: “Occasionally it might be good to be honest about American foreign policy, and that includes acknowledging the fact that America has overthrown governments in Chile, in Guatemala, in Iran, and when dictators, whether it's the Cubans...

Caleb Maupin

The Limb is Getting Thicker

I recently wrote that I might be going out on a limb by suggesting that ‘Something is Afoot’ with Donald Trump’s Secretary of State Pompeo, suggesting he was probably planning to back a different Republican in this year’s Presidential Election. Now it turns out that the Senate Republicans who acquitted Trump in the impeachment trial, hoping he would mend his ways, have been shaken by...

Deena Stryker

Who is Behind the Push to Create a New Hotbed of Tensions?

On 6 February, the article entitled “The Black Sea should be a US and NATO priority” by Luke Coffey, the Director of the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy at the Heritage Foundation was published on the website of a U.S. think tank, the Middle East Institute. The author thinks that “the Black Sea is an important region for...

Veniamin Popov