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In the “Oil War”, Washington Blinks First to Survive

The “oil war” started by the Saudis (and the US has, within a matter of weeks, already led to a change in the narrative from purportedly establishing ‘shale oil dominance’ to ‘energy market management’ and avert a crisis that could ultimately destroy the very shale oil industry of the US. This resulted in the US president  holding a phone conversation with Russia...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

AI Arms Race: Future of Warfare

The truth about artificial intelligence (AI and the process of machine learning (algorithms which learn on their own rather than perform tasks based on human programming is somewhat less spectacular than depicted in Hollywood movies. Yet the impact of advanced information technology on modern warfare will be significant nonetheless. Already, machine learning is...

Ulson Gunnar

We are Not Allowed to Watch, Listen and Read what We Want, Anymore

Now, that almost all of us, all over the world, have been forced into staying in what could be easily defined as house arrest, there is suddenly plenty of time to read books, to watch great films, and to listen to splendid music. Many of us, for years, have been sadly repeating again and again: “if only we would have time…” Now there...

Andre Vltchek