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Who Treats Russophobia as the Best Cure for COVID-19?

The current political elites in the United States and the European Union are attempting to distract the public from their helplessness and failed attempts to stem the spread of the Coronavirus (as, unfortunately, the number of deaths due to COVID-19 is at present higher in the USA and the EU than in Asia! by blaming Vladimir Putin’s trolls for their own incompetence and by spreading...

Vladimir Odintsov

Reactions to the Corona Virus Hint of a Wider Agenda

The western world has gone into a phase of unprecedented lockdown. Major airlines have ceased international operations. It is an open question is to whether or not they will be able to resume operations when and if the current draconian restrictions are lifted. In Australia, the Federal government has ceased to sit and the government has announced that this parliamentary...

James ONeill

The US Abandons its Allies yet Again

Many global players are showing their true colors as coronavirus pandemic rages on worldwide. The global situation at present has shown that the United States is seemingly not very keen on cooperating with other nations even if to win the battle against COVID-19. The country is staying true to the motto promoted by Donald Trump before and during his presidency: “America...

Vladimir Platov