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US Withdrawal from Syria and Iraq: The Worst-Case Scenario

Rumors and announcements have swirled recently regarding the presence of US troops in Syria and Iraq, and the prospect of at least a drawdown of troops taking place in one or both locations. This follows escalating violence between local militias and US forces, who have traded missiles and airstrikes amid the ongoing Israeli invasion of Gaza and a resulting decline in regional security…

Brian Berletic

The Complex Landscape of Gun Control in the United States

The United States finds itself in the midst of a fervent and contentious gun control debate as more than 600 lives have been tragically lost in mass shootings this year alone. This staggering death toll marks the highest in at least a decade, according to data from the Gun Violence Archive. The urgency of the debate is underscored by the recent and deadliest mass shooting of the year in Lewiston, Maine. While the primary focus of this debate often centers on issues like firearm production, distribution, and consumer access, a less-discussed yet vital aspect is the role of …

Taut Bataut

Neoliberals’ Hidden Hand, Hidden Fist, and Forked Tongue Driving War of Plunder on Iran

The US national debt reached $34 trillion on December 29th, 2023, and the congress called it a milestone (here). Why? Because congressmen and Wall Street know that it won’t be paid; at least not through American sweat and blood. Oppositely, Iran has 1.2 trillion cubic feet, and 158 billion barrels of proven gas and oil reserves respectively, resources the US Empire wants to steal. Therefore, when the mainstream media (MSM), Washington’s hidden forked tongue tells you how Iran sponsors terrorists or has Nuclear-weapon ambitions, keep…

Simon Chege Ndiritu