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Consequences of Coronavirus Pandemic are being Kept Under Wraps

As the global battle against the Coronavirus rages on, many fairly important processes are taking place in the international community. But current ruling elites have sought to keep silent about them and have stopped media outlets, answerable to them, from openly reporting about these developments. Clearly, one of the key issues for these...

Vladimir Odintsov

Washington Stirs “Territorial Disputes”

Territorial issues, which, for numerous centuries, were used and will continue to be used in the future by unscrupulous politicians to reach their self-serving objectives, are becoming the focal point of not only political conflicts but also wars. Historically, such issues were fairly often resolved in favor of the strongest as evidenced by the fact that many wars...

Valery Kulikov

Pandemic Intensifies Divisions Among US Elite

On Thursday April 30th, protesters, some carrying firearms, marched into the Michigan state capitol building. The demonstration was just the latest of a stream of protests demanding  an end to the lockdown and social distancing. Despite giving daily briefings to the country amidst the pandemic, and urging social distancing, US President Donald Trump has tweeted...

Caleb Maupin