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Sinking Ships Deserting Rats Before They Are Eaten Away

We have all heard the phrase, "like rats deserting a sinking ship". It signifies that when a cause is failing, the least committed members of it leave very quickly to protect themselves, leaving others behind to face the consequences. We do not often hear that "the sinking ship is deserting the rat.” But that is what we are seeing right now. One ship is the US Republican Party...

Seth Ferris

The US is Alone in its ‘Trade War’ on China

With everyday passing, it is becoming clear that the US-China trade deal will eventually unravel, paving the way for a long-term standoff, even if not a full-fledged ‘cold war’, between the two super powers. As recent remarks made by the US National Security Advisor (NSA, Robert O’Brien, showed, the US is planning ‘more steps’ to ‘correct’ its relations...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Russia did it Again – Chasing the Bounty Hunters

Russia did it again. This time it’s paying to kill Americans. How criminal! Such things only Americans would do – Washington, the Pentagon, CIA…. Because killing is in their mindset and bloodstream. That’s what criminals do: they project their own crimes onto others. The latest NYT reporting is, “It’s not the Taliban that were offered a ‘bounty’ for killing American...

Peter Koenig