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Despite the Hype, the US has no Allies against China

Since particularly the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, a sea change in the US policies vis-à-vis China has taken place. Its latest manifestation came on July 23 when the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, delivered what has been called the American “Iron curtain” speech. Pompeo’s “Communist China and the Free World’s Future” speech does provide a significant...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

‘Pax’ Americana: Russia and China are not ‘Barbarians’!

A decadent Roman Empire was ultimately brought down by vigorous Germanic tribes, which it viewed as ‘barbarians’. The Pax Americana is being brought down by ancient civilizations that whose commitment to freedom of thought does not lead to freedom to act, whether vis a vis other nations, or individual behavior. Backing up, as presented to the American...

Deena Stryker

What Weapons are US Biolabs Testing?

The ongoing Coronavirus pandemic has shone the spotlight on the research being conducted within the network of US partner biolabs in many countries of the world, and on the fact that it has not been playing an active role in curbing the spread of COVID-19. And yet, the key goal of USA’s Biological Threat Reduction Program is to “counter and reduce the risk of biological...

Vladimir Odintsov